Orthogonality, Stable Subspaces and Covariation Processes in Enlargement of Filtration

Torti Barbara, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Calzolari Antonella, University of Rome Tor Vergata

In this talk we discuss about the covariation process [X, Y ] of two orthogonal local martingales X and Y , its structure and its relationship with the stable subspaces generated by X and Y . In particular, when not trivial, [X, Y ] cannot belong to the stable subspace generated by the pair (X, Y ). This result reflects on the growth of Jacod’s dimension in the setting of enlargement of filtration arising when X and Y are a F-local martingale enjoying the F-predictable representation property and a H-local martingale enjoying the H-predictable representation property, respectively. More precisely, denoting by G the filtration F∨H, when X and Y are orthogonal G-local martingales and [X, Y ] is non-zero, previous result applies to show that the Jacod dimension of G is exactly three. This talk is based on a joint work with Antonella Calzolari.

Area: IS9 - Martingale representations and enlargement of filtrations (Claudio Fontana)

Keywords: Martingale representation, enlargement of filtrations

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