Insiperd by the work of Teka et al. ([1]) we focus on fractional neuronal models, based on frac- tional stochastic dierential equations with the fractional Caputo-derivative in place of the classical derivative. In such a way a fractional version of the stochastic Leake Integrate-and-Fire (sLIF) model can be considered. The adoption of this kind of models shows some advantages among them the possibility to describe dynamics on dierent time-scales and also to convoy some memory eects. Here, we consider more sophisticated models based on a fractional stochastic dierential equations with a stochastic correlated process in place of the classical white noise. The correlated process is considered to model a correlated input to the neuronal dynamics. We follow and generalize previous results as those in [2], [3] and [4]. The solution processes of such fractional dierential equations are fractional integrals of correlated processes, in some cases of fractional correlate processes. On the study of such processes is focused the present contribution. In particular, we provide the expected value and the covariance of the fractional integrals of these processes, specied for dierent choices of the coecient functions of the considered equations. Consequentially, we are able to propose three dierent neuronal models. After a mathematical analysis of the considered fractional equations ([5]), we also investigate possible simulation techniques ([6], [7],[8]) in order to obtain estimates of rst passage times of such processes through a constant level (the neuronal ring threshold) especially useful for modeling the neuronal dynamics.
[1] Teka W., Marinov T.M. and Santamaria F., Neuronal Spike Timing Adaptation Described with a Fractional Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model, PLoS Comput Biol., 10 (2014).
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[3] Pirozzi E., Colored noise and a stochastic fractional model for correlated inputs and adaptation in neuronal ring. Biological Cybernetics, 112 (1-2), 2539, (2018)
[4] Ascione G., Pirozzi E., On a stochastic neuronal model integrating correlated inputs, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 5: 5206-5225. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2019260, (2019)
[5] Anh, P.T., Doan, T.S., Huong, P.T., A variation of constant formula for Caputo fractional stochastic dierential equations, Statistics and Probability Letters, Volume 145, Pages 351-358, (2019)
[6] DoanT.S., Huong P.T., Kloeden P.E., Vu A.M., Euler Maruyama scheme for Caputo stochastic fractional dierential equations, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Volume 380, 112989, (2020)
[7] Abundo M., Pirozzi E., Abundo, M., Pirozzi, E., Fractionally integrated Gauss-Markov pro- cesses and applications, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Volume 101, 2021, 105862, ISSN 1007-5704, (2021)
[8] Pirozzi, E., On the Integration of Fractional Neuronal Dynamics Driven by Correlated Processes, LNCS volume 12013, Computer Aided Systems Theory EUROCAST 2019, pp- 211219, (2019)